Strong ground motion pdf merge

The duration of strong ground motion can have a strong influence on earthquake damage. The nearfault strong ground motion database that we have compiled consists of a large number of processed nearfield strong ground motions from a variety of tectonic environments around the globe, including those generated by the recent 1999 izmit, turkey, 1999 chichi, taiwan and 1999 duzce. The characteristics of strong ground motion, the site category, depth of the soil column, type of rock strata, and the dynamic soil properties at a particular site significantly influence the free field motion during an. It shows that strong ground motion prediction is one of key factors for mitigating disasters for future earthquakes. Turner california department of transportation jennifer n. Strong motion seismology is defined as science and technology based on strong motion data and earthquake disaster records near earthquake sources. Site effects on strong ground motion sciencedirect. Pdf inversion of strong ground motion and teleseismic. Software to download usgs earthquake hazard program. A constant stressdrop model for producing broadband.

In this paper, we describe a hybrid method combining stochastic and theoretical. Few strongmotion recordings have been obtained in boreholes necessary to define the actual amplification characteristics as a function of input ground shaking. Carl stepp consortium of organizations for strongmotion observation systems daniel j. Advanced methods of predicting strong ground motions from. The properties of strong ground motion accelerograms will thus reflect the direction of slip, the size of the slip area, the strata through which the waves pass, and the details of nonuniformity of the stress that is released. The characteristics of the 5 earthquakes date, epicentre, position, moment magnitude mw and focal depth h are given in table 3. Recipe for predicting strong ground motion from crustal earthquake scenarios kojiro irikura 1 and hiroe miyake 2 abstractwe developed a recipe for predicting strong ground motions based on a characterization of the source model for future crustal earthquakes. A simple definition of the duration of strong earthquake ground motion based on the meansquare integral of motion has been presented.

The modified mercalli intensity scale mm or mmi, descended from giuseppe mercallis mercalli intensity scale of 1902, is a seismic intensity scale used for measuring the intensity of shaking produced by an earthquake. Applicability of the weakmotion amplification factor to strong ground motion during the lorna prieta earthquake of 1989. Spectra of the two horizontal components merge at about 2. National strong motion project usgs earthquake hazard. Strong ground motion and pulselike velocity observations in the. The objective of strong motion seismology includes the following three basic subjects. Free field surface motion at different site types due to. A constant stressdrop model for producing broadband synthetic seismograms. Pacific earthquake engineering research center peer 2009108 september 2009 pacific earthquake engineering peer lifelines geotechnical virtual data center j. Nga relations are based on a global compilation of strong ground motion records from tectonically active areas. Seismic hazard, strongmotion database, nonlinear site amplification.

This is a warning on the possibility of occurrence of earthquakes in the future too. We made a framework of strong motion prediction as shown in fig. Strong motion is currently recording in a mixture of triggered and continuous modes. No strong motion records are available in aswan area for. For the subduction zones, we used attenuation relations. A technique for simulating strong ground motion using. Tilts in strong ground motion article pdf available in bulletin of the seismological society of america 966. Next generation paneuropean groundmotion prediction equations. From the seismological viewpoint, the records of strong ground motion provide the best source of high frequency information on the way that energy is released during the rupture process. On the other hand, a motion with moderate amplitude but long duration can produce enough duration.

Simulation of nearfault strongground motion using hybrid. Strong ground motion database a strong ground motion database of over horizontal components, recorded during 5 intermediatedepth vrancea earthquakes, has been used for the analyses. Characteristics of strong ground motions in the 2014 m s 6. Estimation of local site effects on strong ground motion. Seismic hazards during many disastrous earthquakes are observed to be aggravating at the sites with the soft soil deposits due to amplification of ground motion. Prism is opensource software used for automatically processing strongmotion records, and is intended to be used by individuals or strongmotion networks. Subsequently, the analysis was repeated with strong ground motion for 52 sites. Simulation of nearfault strongground motion using hybrid greens functions 569 figure 2. Cesmd internet data report center for engineering strong. The strong ground motions recorded were compared with.

The ground motion characteristics such as attenuation, spectral shape and duration are analyzed using the observed records of the earthquake. Selection of strongmotion records for use as input. Pdf strong ground motion attenuation in aswan area. In principle, deterministic methods combine sgf with source function to generate surface ground motion during an earthquake 4.

Ground motion simulations that have incorporated nonlinear soil effects have found a large decrease in the predicted strong ground motion. Strong ground motion simulations around prince islands fault1. The strong ground motion data from the october 17, 1989 were used for estimating the amplification factors. Surface pgv and pga plots in the beijing city area are shown in figure 2, with the top row showing the threecomponent pgv, and the bottom row showing the threecomponent pga. Over 300 accelerograms, recorded during the strong vrancea seismic events mentioned above and recently redigitized, are used in the study. This gives access to a database of strong ground motion data parameters, and links to the data centres and web sites of the contributing agencies. In seismology, strong ground motion is the strong earthquake shaking that occurs close to less than about 50 km from a causative fault.

Amplification of strong ground motion due to local site. Information before strong ground motion mitsuyuki hoshiba japan meteorological agency january 12, 2007. One is to study source dynamics of generating ground motions from seismic faults. The pacific earthquake engineering research center peer is a ninecampus research center headquartered at the university of california, berkeley, working to develop, validate, and disseminate performancebased seismic design technologies for buildings and infrastructure to meet the diverse economic and safety needs of land owners and society. Distribution of earthquakes causing tsunami 18962004 in japan distribution of earthquakes causing damages 19002001, m5. Strong ground motion prediction using virtual earthquakes. The science of strong ground motion also deals with the. Strong motion data from western north america for earthquakes of magnitude greater than 5 are examined to provide the basis for estimating peak acceleration, velocity, displacement, and duration as a function of. Summary a complete understanding of strong ground motion requires a simultaneous consideration of effects of earthquake source, propagation path and local geological site conditions. Inversion of strong ground motion and teleseismic waveform data for the fault rupture history of the 1979 imperial valley, california, earthquake. It measures the effects of an earthquake at a given location, distinguished from the earthquakes inherent force or strength as measured by seismic. A study of strong ground motion may show need to modify building codes 5 december 2011 new testing conducted in a steep, mountainous region of utah, using mining induced events, is.

Worldwide strongmotion data resources are centralised at the cosmos virtual data center. Additionally, strong motion data has the capability of providing a major means for determining the nature of the source mechanisms in great earthquakes. Investigation of the frequency content of ground motions. The resulting strong ground motion from the seismic wave propagation can cause significant damage to structures. This could be an important effect for the scenarios we consider because unconsolidated sediments are likely to be found in sedimentary basins and would be expected to behave nonlinearly during strong shaking. Deterministic strong ground motions linkedin slideshare. Integrated strongmotion, soilresponse arrays in san. The usgs national strongmotion project formerly titled the national strong motion program has the primary federal responsibility for acquiring strong motion records of significant earthquakes in the united states recorded by sensors placed in. Recent and paleo seismicity indicate that moderate seismic activity is relatively large for aswan area. However, however, according to laboratory studies e. At any location, the intensity of the ground motion is a function of the distance to the fault rupture, the local soilbedrock conditions, and the earthquake magnitude. In the city of san francisco, damage from both the great california earthquake of 1906 and the loma prieta earthquake of 1989 was concentrated in areas underlain by soft soil deposits. Strong ground motion durations of directivity motions.

Velocity time histories of nearfault strong ground motions a nepal. The national strong motion network obtained large set of ground motion recordings during the earthquake. By combining these curves with an estimation of the ground motion at each structure, the expected level of damage due to an earthquake can be. Recipe for predicting strong ground motion from crustal. Various analytical estimators of the frequency content, such as those based on fourier spectra, power spectral density, response spectra and peak ground motion values are evaluated and compared. The pgv and peak ground acceleration pga at a given site are very useful for characterization of strong ground motion in earthquake engineering. The study of strong ground motion, earthquake hazard and risk plays an important role in seismology and the sustainable development of economies and societies. This earthquake caused much more severe engineering damage than the usual earthquakes with the same magnitude in china. Assessment of the site effect of strong ground motion. A motion of short duration may not produce enough load reversals for damaging response to build up in a structure, even if the amplitude of the motion is high. Comparison with the next generation attenuation relations.

Comparison with the next generation attenuation relations by arthur frankel. Hazard analysis requires characterization of the seismic sources that can be expected to affect a selected place in terms of locations, magnitudes, and frequency of occurrence of. It is closely related to that part of the strong motion which contributes significantly to the seismic energy as recorded at. Two different stressdropratio models used to simulate broadband time histories of the ground motion from a m 6.

N10 sec what is the resonant period of the building in which we are located. Strong ground motion estimation is a relatively new science. In particular, initial analysis using data from 24 strong ground motion stations were used to determine the amplification from rock sites to soil sites. Synthesis of nearfault ground motion using a hybrid. The strength of the shaking involved in strong ground motion usually overwhelms a seismometer, forcing the use of accelerographs or strong ground motion accelerometers for recording. To better understand the challenges of developing ground motion prediction equations gmpe using strong motion data, we present the physical factors that influence strong ground shaking. Prediction of strong ground motion using the hybrid. Prediction of strong ground motion using the hybrid empirical method in eastern north america 10 to propose a pointsource stochastic method, later generalized and extended by boore 1983, that could be used to estimate ground motion from such simple seismological models. Commission on earthquake hazard, risk and strong ground motion. A study of strong ground motion may show need to modify. A technique for simulating strong ground motion using hybrid greens function by katsuhiro kamae, kojiro irikura, and arben pitarka abstract a method for simulating strong ground motion for a large earthquake based on synthetic greens function is. Nearfield strong ground motion records from vrancea. The strength of the shaking involved in strong ground motion usually overwhelms a seismometer, forcing the use of accelerographs or strong ground motion accelerometers for. Sma strong motion analyst processing software the sma software package is a windowsbased tool designed to interactively process strong motion accelerograms, featuring instrument correction, data editing, filtering, ground motion integrations, fourier and response spectra calculations, and.

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